Pumpkin Palooza Sponsorships

Please join the Family House as a sponsor for our 3rd Annual Pumpkin Palooza. This will be a great way to celebrate Fall and win prizes by solving clues and finding pumpkins throughout Valparaiso.

Proceeds from this event will benefit the Family House, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our mission is to create a child-centered, family-focused community through therapeutic and supervised visitation and counseling programs. Your donations help to support weekly visitations for children and their families. We appreciate your partnership and generosity.

Sponsorship Levels

Title Sponsor


Presenting Sponsor at the event. Company name will be featured in the event promotion and social media. Company logo will be featured on a hidden pumpkin on the day(s) of the event.

Pumpkin Sponsor


Company logo will be featured on a hidden pumpkin and appear on both social media and event promotions. We ask that each sponsor provides their own pumpkin.

Event Sponsor


Sponsor’s logo featured on social media

To pay by check, please download our printable form

web page graphic